Online Workshop on Higher Dimensional Homological Algebra
May 10-12, 2022
IPM-Isfahan and University of Isfahan
● Objectives

A key objective of this workshop is to bring together researchers who focus on higher dimensional homological algebra in order to share their perspectives and approaches. In addition, it aims to introduce recent researches to the PhD students and young researchers.

● Lecturers
Osamu Iyama, Tokyo University, Japan

Gustavo Jasso, Lund University, Sweden

Bernhard Keller, University Paris Diderot - Paris 7, France
● Speakers
Martin Herschend, Uppsala University, Sweden

Sondre Kvamme, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway

Rene Marczinzik, University of Stuttgart, Germany
● Scientific Director
• Alireza Nasr-Isfahani, IPM-Isfahan and University of Isfahan, Iran
● Organizing Committee
• Ziba Fazelpour, IPM-Isfahan, Iran

• Alireza Nasr-Isfahani, IPM-Isfahan and University of Isfahan, Iran
● Important Dates
• Registration Opening: April 9, 2022 (Farvardin 20, 1401)

• Registration Deadline: May 9, 2022 (Ordibehesht 19, 1401)

● Contact
• Ziba Fazelpour,
Email: z[dot]fazelpour[at]ipm[dot]ir
IPM-Isfahan, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran.

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  IPM-Isfahan Branch, University of Isfahan, Isfahan 81745-157, Iran.
Phone: 0098 (31) 3793 2319
Email: ipm-isfahan[at]ipm[dot]ir
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Telegram Chanel: @IPM_Isfahan