Virtual Conference: Lie (Super)Theory, Representations and Applications
July 27-30, 2021
● Objectives

The aim of this virtual conference is to bring together mathematicians from all over the world to discuss the latest results on Lie (super)theory.


(Friday 2021/7/30, 17:30-18:20 (Tehran Local Time)) "On moduli spaces of finite dimensional Lie superalgebras" by Alice Fialowski.

(Friday 2021/7/30, 18:20-19:20 (Tehran Local Time)) "Diagrammatics for F_4" by Alistair Savage.


(Thursday 2021/7/29, 11-12 (Tehran Local Time)) "Structure of conjugacy classes in Coxeter groups" by Timothee Marquis.

(Thursday 2021/7/29, 12-13 (Tehran Local Time)) "Superrigid subsets of semisimple Lie groups" by Tobias Hartnick.

(Thursday 2021/7/29, 13-13:50 (Tehran Local Time)) "Structure and representation of algebraic supergroups: a Hopf-algebraic approach" by Taiki Shibata.


(Wednesday 2021/7/28, 17:30-18:20 (Tehran Local Time)) "Simple weight modules over the Lie superalgebra of vector fields on C^{m,n}" by Rencai Lu.

(Wednesday 2021/7/28, 18:20-19:20 (Tehran Local Time)) "Mixed tensor products and Capelli-type determinants" by Dimitar Grantcharov.

(Wednesday 2021/7/28, 19:30-20:30 (Tehran Local Time)) "Simple weight representations of the Lie algebra of polynomial vector fields" by Vera Serganova.


(Tuesday 2021/7/27, 11-12 (Tehran Local Time)) "Orbifold theory of affine and parafermion vertex operator algebras" by Qing Wang.

(Tuesday 2021/7/27, 12-13 (Tehran Local Time)) "Recognising supergroup representations" by Kevin Coulembier.

(Tuesday 2021/7/27, 13-13:50 (Tehran Local Time)) "Normal Form of Equivariant Maps in Finite and Infinite Dimensions" by Tobias Diez.


You can see the schedule of the program together with the title and the abstract of each talk via

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● Plenary Speakers
• Vyjayanthi Chari, , University of California, Riverside, United States of America

• Kevin Coulembier, University of Sydney, Australia

• Tobias Diez, Delft University of Technology and Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Netherlands

• Alice Fialowski, Eotvos Lorand University, Hungary

• Dimitar Grantcharov, Explore University of Texas at Arlington, United States of America

• Tobias Hartnick, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany

• Rencai Lu, Soochow University, China

• Timothee Marquis, Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium

• Alistar Savage, University of Ottawa, Canada

• Vera Serganova, University of California, Berkeley, United States of America

• Taiki Shibata, Okayama University of Science, Japan

• Qing Wang, Xiamen University, China
● Scientific Committee
• Yuly Billig, Carleton University, Canada

• Jun Morita, University of Tsukuba, Japan

• Karl-Hermann Neeb, Friedrich-Alexander-Universitat Erlangen-Nurnberg, Germany

• Malihe Yousofzadeh, University of Isafahan & IPM, Iran
● Local Organizer
• Malihe Yousofzadeh, University of Isfahan & IPM, Iran
● Important Dates
• Registration Opening: July 1, 2021 (Tir 10, 1400)

• Registration Deadline: July 25, 2021 (Mordad 03, 1400)

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